Make cooking easier

Recipes database

Select what would you like to eat, how much time to spend on cooking, what are available ingredients and appliances. Browser list of recommendations.

  • Adjusted to your diet, health, time, and location

  • Lack of necessary ingredients? See community's alternatives

  • Generate shopping list or see what to cook from your fridge

  • Complicated dish? Save or print a step-by-step tutorial with details you want

Model: Wiki


Generating verified diets

Adjusting to medical conditioning

Generating verified diets

Generating verified diets

Other challenges

  • Awarding people for their contribiution

  • Maintaining non-profit business model

  • Verified

Public development

Just like Wikipedia, but with the rewards. Model: Wiki Open source | Free to use & join

  • Free

  • Public fr

  • Verified

Let's help cooking!

Diets generator

Browser, generate, monitor, and schedule diets.

  • List your needs for an algorithm to suggest what to eat

  • Select when and what would you like to have a meal (and how much time you have)

  • Skipped a meal or ate a surprised dish? No problem - get an update to your diet

  • See what others eat - discuss and inspire

User-generated content

Beside using available databases and algorithms Users will be able to use other users' content or privately plan/keep recipes.

  • Modify other peoples' recipes for others to have a choice

Business Model

  • Free

  • Public

  • Verified

  • Free

  • Public

  • Verified

  • Free

  • Public

  • Verified

  • Free

  • Public

  • Verified

  • Free

  • Public

  • Verified

Public project

Whether you are a programmer, professional or amateur cook, graphic designer, a dietitian, accountant, physician, footballer, or responsible mother - this a project you can join.